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Heating PVC?

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Hi all,

I imported some 2 inch slide gate valves from the US. Problem is, it turns out that our blue 2" PVCs doesn't fit. The opening is smaller by only about 1 millimeter.

I've seen some PVC pipes that are bent irregularly, they look like they were heated, so I thought that it may be possible to heat the end of a 2" PVC so that I can shrink it a bit so it will fit the valve. Is this easy to do? Do I need a heat gun? Maybe an open fire will do?

Posted : 23/01/2008 12:15 am
Posts: 149
Estimable Member

Re: Heating PVC?

IIRC, some audio enthusiasts before used (boiling) cooking oil to heat PVC to make aeroports... i think...

but in your case I would think that this would be too extreme...


Safety first - always wear face/eye/ear/hand protection as a minimum.

Posted : 27/01/2008 9:36 am
Posts: 54
Trusted Member

Re: Heating PVC?


Heating it will increase its size though it would make it soft enough to force in. Try testing on an offcut just to make sure. I use hot water or a heat gun on tight flexible suction pipes for dust collectors.

Hope this helps.

Posted : 27/01/2008 7:59 pm
Posts: 0
New Member

Re: Heating PVC?

I've seen plumbers heat pvc with an open flame. Instead of trying to force the blue pipe into the valve, why not use a hose clamp around the blue pipe. Heat both together and slowly tighten the hose clamp until you get the right diameter? Haven't tried but this should work. Some foil around the pipe may prevent the clamp's indentations from appearing on the tube. Or try a piston ring compressor.

Posted : 28/01/2008 2:58 pm
Posts: 27
Eminent Member

Re: Heating PVC?

Here in Canada there is a rubber coupling that is used specifically for the problem that you have - connecting two dissimilar sized or kinds of pipes. Basically, it's a rubber hose with two clamps on both ends. The common brand here is Fernco. I've attached pictures of it so you have have an idea when you start looking for it there. I would think that there is at least one store there that carries that particular item, not necessarily the same brand.

If you can't find it there, here's a suggestion - radiator hose and two hose clamps. It doesn't have to be a new one, some repair shops there might have one or two broken ones lying around. Get one that your PVC pipe would fit in snugly. Since you say that the difference beween the pipes is about 1 mil, then the hose would be able to stretch and accomodate the end of the gate valve. Install and tighten the hose clamps on both ends and voila! you have a connection.

Attached files

Posted : 29/01/2008 6:05 pm
Posts: 2
New Member

Re: Heating PVC?

Hi Kenneth, have you tried another brand of 2'' PVC pipe, often the outer diameter changes, hence different companies push fit joints can sometimes be loose or tight fitting, in my experience it seems that the biggest difference seems to occur on 1/2'' could take your valve along to a good hardware store [ I tend to use citi hardware in Pardo, Cebu Builders is also well stocked, but too far for me to travel]and see what might squeeze in, perhaps a straight connector from a small diameter pipe the external diameter might do the trick.

I have created my own bends and straight joints in 1/2'' pvc pipe by heating it over my gas cooker, make sure you turn the pipe continualy, for gentle bends first fill the pipe with dry sand to prevent collapse, I recently had some electricians working on my house they bent the orange plastic conduit using a heat lamp, looked much like a 500w spot light.


Posted : 14/05/2008 10:21 am
Posts: 146
Estimable Member

Re: Heating PVC?

Heat gun is the way to go. Use a GI sheet with hose clamps while heating to reduce the diameter, that is if you really can't find a brand with the same diameter as what was previously discussed.


Posted : 14/05/2008 2:55 pm