
what brand of airco...
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what brand of aircon would you recommend?

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"....I feel it consumes more electricity..." --> Feeling mo lang yan pero ano ang sabi ng Meralco bill? Dun mo ibase kasi hindi concrete proof yung "feeling" when it comes to electricity consumption.

Yup,it;s just a feeling, because it can also be a case of the thermostat dial being set a bit more clockwise. Hard to tell by the Meralco bill bro, because there are a lot of factors in play, like, i also bought a smart oven at the same time and baking a lot now than cooking with gas. I also switched to microwave oven from rice cooker. Temperature also varies. Long term data is not even relevant anymore because of too much variables introduced.

Thus, I am left with what I perceive or to be more objective, with what I feel. Thus, I return to my original statement...

"I need to set the thermostat lower to achieve the same temp as the middle thermostat settings of my previous units",

and replace the succeeding statement with...

" turning the thermostat dial closer to the coldest setting increases your electric consumption"


Posted : 28/06/2018 3:56 pm
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