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My Retierment House

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Hi to everybody out there , I am currently living and working in England but plan to retire to your beautifull country . I have obtained a lease for a lot of land on a farm owned by a former collegue of mine who is now retired back in his homeland , we went to sea together for many years and are firm friends to the point were i am godfather to 2 of his children ! I am currently having blueprints drawn up for a single story 3 bed house approx 250 sq m area .
I would be greatfull for any tips or advice on new house constrution , I intend this to be a fairly long project as i wont be retiering for about 10 years , but I want to begin constrution and get the shell up , doing the constrution as I can afford it , leaving the fitting out till much latter.
My friend will hire local builders for me , supervising work and purchaseing materials and send me photos of the work as it progresses as I only manage 1 holliday a year for site visits.
I would be greatfull if any members could advise me of any web sites of companys who supply kitchen units / apliences and bathroom equipment as the costs of these items are unknown to me in your country , I am working to a budget of approx 1.6m pesoes for constrution
Best regards to you all from the englishman

Posted : 08/12/2007 11:25 pm
Posts: 4
New Member

Re: My Retierment House


Welcome to the forum and the Philippines. I am an American living in Leyte
for past 6 years.

I think that you are too anxious to start building if you are 10 years from
moving and living here.

Building a house here requires constant involvement and supervision,
especially if you want your standards employed. If you have a friend
to be supervisor, he should be well versed in construction and know
EXACTLY what you want and expect in the finished house. It is NOT a
good idea to put that responsibility on a friend, as you may not be friends
after you see the finished house.

If you want my opinion, I would say, wait until your are closer to retiring
here, as many things can and do change.

Posted : 09/12/2007 9:36 pm
Posts: 0
New Member

Re: My Retierment House

I agree with Pluma. If you really want to start, you can build the shell of the house up to concrete works only, leaving the roof and dividers off, and all finishworks until you can come and supervise. The concrete will stand the weather, but even the best roofs will show some wear after ten years.

As for the cost of finishing materials, I can assure you that costs will be much less than comparable ones in the UK.

Posted : 20/01/2008 8:47 pm