My mother-in-law asked me to build a shoe rack for her. I decided to build a wood and steel combination using reclaimed wood (Wooden pallet) and 1x1 square tubes and angle bars.
On top of wood is Polyu gloss finish
A combination of steel and wood... modern design, look, and feel which is great!
....good looking project!!
Just curious.....what method did you use to cut the angle bar??
It's obviously magnetized....I'm guessing plasma arc?? Maybe??!!
Yes, Im using a powercraft 40amps plasma. cut fast but not so clean compare to carbide cutters. I just did that for the sake of testing, next time I will do this, I will use the cold saw or a metal bandsaw.
Looks great and solid! The design is accessible for boots, sneaker and heels! I built several shoe racks, but none of them lasts long. Then I just bought one on crazysales. And I see a perfect frame here, Have you thought of applying a back of the shoe rack? Use plywood if you ask me. 😉