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STICK WELDING on thin sheet metal

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Re: STICK WELDING on thin sheet metal

Nice thread, Rosy.

I once saw a shop that manufacture cages for small pets (hamster, rabbits, toy dogs...). Their cages are really light and delicate but strong and stable. There is really nothing interesting about it. The only reason i visited that shop is i want to know how they weld those thin metals sheets and thin metal sticks without melting it.

Here is how they do it.
They are using an AC stick welder.
They are melting a thin BI wire with the stick welder and drip it to the spot where they are welding on.

stick welder on the right hand and BI stick on the left(grounded to welder). Melting these 2 sticks while dripping it to the work piece.

HI there benQ,

Yesterday while I was working on my simple wips for this thread, I punched two or three holes on the thin C-Purlins while welding so I tried to weld around the holes slowly and patiently trying to plug those metal holes, got so frustrated since the edges of the thin metal would continue to melt so I stopped for a while thinking of what to do with these burn throughs and I suddenly remembered your very short story of this guy in a pet shop making small cages for their hamsters, rabbits, etc using a stick welder and a thin BI wire, so to make the story short,

I tried it, doing the same proceedure only on the thin C-Purlin and the three hole that I made and it came out very successful, I was able to plug or cover the hole then sanded them, ayos na at wala ng mga butas. It was like using a Tig welder style but only using a stick welding rod to melt my GI filler rod. BenQ I would like to share this experience with you and to all welding enthusiasts. :p 😉

Thanks benQ for this very handy and useful tip. :thanks:

CIGWELD Weldskill 250 amp Mig Welder
AHP Alpha-TIG 200X welder
HITRONIC 300 Amp DC Inverter IGBT Welder
YAMATO 300 amp AC Stick Welder
YAMATO 200 amp DC Inverter IGBT Welder
DeWALT Chopsaw
HOBART and ESAB Welding Helmets
cloned STIHLs
MS 044 chainsaw
MS 070 chainsaw

Posted : 10/11/2011 11:47 pm
Posts: 4307
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Re: STICK WELDING on thin sheet metal

And then these two will be what I will be practicing on for now or I might add another object so that I can do more practice/exercise.

Here is an update of this practice in progress since my last posting on the PIPs was exactly a month ago. Actually I have these pics already uploaded in the photobucket, only did not post cause I was still working on some simple wips applying what I have achieved in this welding practice but then I realized them project wips were not that simple so I guess I'll just post them later, sort of closing WIPs for this thread. :p

So here's again a continuation of this welding practice with regards to the images above.

Here are the two subjects welded on all sides, on the next or following pics I'll be showing each individual subject and rotating and showing all sides to show the different improvements in the weld applications. 😎

CIGWELD Weldskill 250 amp Mig Welder
AHP Alpha-TIG 200X welder
HITRONIC 300 Amp DC Inverter IGBT Welder
YAMATO 300 amp AC Stick Welder
YAMATO 200 amp DC Inverter IGBT Welder
DeWALT Chopsaw
HOBART and ESAB Welding Helmets
cloned STIHLs
MS 044 chainsaw
MS 070 chainsaw

Posted : 19/11/2011 1:01 am
Posts: 4307
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Re: STICK WELDING on thin sheet metal

I'll start with the square one and have numbered each sides for easy identification and comparison.

Here is the side # 1 showing the weld puddle.

The side #2 again showing the weld puddle.

The side # 3 showing and improved weld puddle application.

Here's a close up look of side # 3

CIGWELD Weldskill 250 amp Mig Welder
AHP Alpha-TIG 200X welder
HITRONIC 300 Amp DC Inverter IGBT Welder
YAMATO 300 amp AC Stick Welder
YAMATO 200 amp DC Inverter IGBT Welder
DeWALT Chopsaw
HOBART and ESAB Welding Helmets
cloned STIHLs
MS 044 chainsaw
MS 070 chainsaw

Posted : 19/11/2011 1:13 am
Posts: 4307
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Re: STICK WELDING on thin sheet metal


Here is side # 4 showing much improvement on the weld puddle.

A closer view of the weld puddle.

CIGWELD Weldskill 250 amp Mig Welder
AHP Alpha-TIG 200X welder
HITRONIC 300 Amp DC Inverter IGBT Welder
YAMATO 300 amp AC Stick Welder
YAMATO 200 amp DC Inverter IGBT Welder
DeWALT Chopsaw
HOBART and ESAB Welding Helmets
cloned STIHLs
MS 044 chainsaw
MS 070 chainsaw

Posted : 19/11/2011 1:21 am
Posts: 4307
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Re: STICK WELDING on thin sheet metal

To continue, now showing the rectangular image or subject :

Here is the first side of the rectangular weld subject, side A-1.

Another side, A-2, achieving nicer weld puddle application.

Another side which is B-1

The side of B-2

CIGWELD Weldskill 250 amp Mig Welder
AHP Alpha-TIG 200X welder
HITRONIC 300 Amp DC Inverter IGBT Welder
YAMATO 300 amp AC Stick Welder
YAMATO 200 amp DC Inverter IGBT Welder
DeWALT Chopsaw
HOBART and ESAB Welding Helmets
cloned STIHLs
MS 044 chainsaw
MS 070 chainsaw

Posted : 19/11/2011 1:37 am
Posts: 4307
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Re: STICK WELDING on thin sheet metal


A closer look at B-1 side.

And another closer look at B-2 side weld puddle

OK then next to this will be the WIPs on thin sheet metals using what I have learned and achieved throughout this entire welding practice.

Thanks for having again the patience in viewing this PIPs. :thanks:

CIGWELD Weldskill 250 amp Mig Welder
AHP Alpha-TIG 200X welder
HITRONIC 300 Amp DC Inverter IGBT Welder
YAMATO 300 amp AC Stick Welder
YAMATO 200 amp DC Inverter IGBT Welder
DeWALT Chopsaw
HOBART and ESAB Welding Helmets
cloned STIHLs
MS 044 chainsaw
MS 070 chainsaw

Posted : 19/11/2011 1:46 am
Posts: 4307
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Re: STICK WELDING on thin sheet metal

DO you still remember this pic ? Its part of items that I was supposed to attempt to practice on this too but have kinda forgotten already. As I was reviewing the previous postings on this thread I realized I still have one more PIP that is missing, so here I am again going to attempt to weld or joined each juice tin cans if I can and complete the whole PIPs.

Its been quite a while since my last post last Nov. regarding this PIPs so I'll be continuing ones more here.

Gathered again some fruit juice tin cans and will attempt to apply welds on each lids using a thicker wire or wire filler and then will melt it with the welding rod and see if the tin can lids will stick to each other. Remember that I am using a stick welder and I reckon a TIG welder will be more appropriate for this task, well anyway let us see how it will react. :juggle:


I am using this technique as suggested by bro bryant or benQ, just can't exactly remember, the technique of using a wire, melting it with the welding rod and letting the melted wire flow or drop to the intended surface to be welded.

CIGWELD Weldskill 250 amp Mig Welder
AHP Alpha-TIG 200X welder
HITRONIC 300 Amp DC Inverter IGBT Welder
YAMATO 300 amp AC Stick Welder
YAMATO 200 amp DC Inverter IGBT Welder
DeWALT Chopsaw
HOBART and ESAB Welding Helmets
cloned STIHLs
MS 044 chainsaw
MS 070 chainsaw

Posted : 09/01/2012 7:26 pm
Posts: 4307
Topic starter

Re: STICK WELDING on thin sheet metal


OK, started welding the joints of the top lid, ggrrrrrrrr, getting so frustrated, some melted wires would stick but most will not and I would accidentally touch some parts of the tin can and would burn and produce holes.

And here is a close-up of the welded surface and also tried directly sticking the welding rod to the surface and there you see more larger holes made. And upon investigation and observation, I noticed some whitish sparks on several accounts of welding instead of the yellowish sparks or glow, booomm and gggrrrrrrr !!!! KAYA PALA !!!! no matter what I do those top lids will never stick together using a tick welder because them top lids are made of Aluminium, not the ordinary thin mild sheet metal. :rant:

Top lids are of ALUMINIUM material so cannot possibly welded by an ordinary stick welding rod, hehehehe, another lesson learned.

CIGWELD Weldskill 250 amp Mig Welder
AHP Alpha-TIG 200X welder
HITRONIC 300 Amp DC Inverter IGBT Welder
YAMATO 300 amp AC Stick Welder
YAMATO 200 amp DC Inverter IGBT Welder
DeWALT Chopsaw
HOBART and ESAB Welding Helmets
cloned STIHLs
MS 044 chainsaw
MS 070 chainsaw

Posted : 09/01/2012 7:57 pm
Posts: 4307
Topic starter

Re: STICK WELDING on thin sheet metal


And so I decided to do again some welding, now the bottom lids of the tin cans.

I was only doing slow very light spot all around the sides of the lid, and its not ALUMINIUM made anymore and turned out surprisingly to be quite successful.


There it is, the difference between the top lids and the bottom lids.

CIGWELD Weldskill 250 amp Mig Welder
AHP Alpha-TIG 200X welder
HITRONIC 300 Amp DC Inverter IGBT Welder
YAMATO 300 amp AC Stick Welder
YAMATO 200 amp DC Inverter IGBT Welder
DeWALT Chopsaw
HOBART and ESAB Welding Helmets
cloned STIHLs
MS 044 chainsaw
MS 070 chainsaw

Posted : 09/01/2012 8:16 pm
Posts: 4307
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Re: STICK WELDING on thin sheet metal


I did weld another set just to satisfy myself and prove what I have previously done was not just a " tsamba ". LOL 😀

In these two pics above, I am showing the top ALUM lids of the tin fruit juice cans in different angles.

CIGWELD Weldskill 250 amp Mig Welder
AHP Alpha-TIG 200X welder
HITRONIC 300 Amp DC Inverter IGBT Welder
YAMATO 300 amp AC Stick Welder
YAMATO 200 amp DC Inverter IGBT Welder
DeWALT Chopsaw
HOBART and ESAB Welding Helmets
cloned STIHLs
MS 044 chainsaw
MS 070 chainsaw

Posted : 09/01/2012 8:27 pm
Posts: 4307
Topic starter

Re: STICK WELDING on thin sheet metal


I will be showing here four different sides of the shall we say successful weld applications on the bottom lids of the tin cans. I'll just be rotating the tin cans as I shoot the pics.

Though the welds were not that great looking, my main purpose really for this PIP was to be able to successfully connect or put together these two tin cans, maybe a TIG welder could have done this much much better with better looking weld beads, well may be next time when I have a TIG welder.

CIGWELD Weldskill 250 amp Mig Welder
AHP Alpha-TIG 200X welder
HITRONIC 300 Amp DC Inverter IGBT Welder
YAMATO 300 amp AC Stick Welder
YAMATO 200 amp DC Inverter IGBT Welder
DeWALT Chopsaw
HOBART and ESAB Welding Helmets
cloned STIHLs
MS 044 chainsaw
MS 070 chainsaw

Posted : 09/01/2012 8:37 pm
Posts: 4307
Topic starter

Re: STICK WELDING on thin sheet metal

And my last pic for this PIP and would officially say my practice subjects are now complete and will assure you that I have learned so much by doing so this PIPs, it was well worth the time and expenses incurred in terms of welding rods, electricity and some scrap materials. :p 😉

Many thanks for having the patience of viewing this thread and I hope I have in some way or another inspired other members interested also in using this tool, a stick welding machine.

Thanks a lot. :thanks:

CIGWELD Weldskill 250 amp Mig Welder
AHP Alpha-TIG 200X welder
HITRONIC 300 Amp DC Inverter IGBT Welder
YAMATO 300 amp AC Stick Welder
YAMATO 200 amp DC Inverter IGBT Welder
DeWALT Chopsaw
HOBART and ESAB Welding Helmets
cloned STIHLs
MS 044 chainsaw
MS 070 chainsaw

Posted : 09/01/2012 8:56 pm
Posts: 5426

Re: STICK WELDING on thin sheet metal

Huh ... The End na ba bro ... sayang ang thread ... sana may ibang mag update naman ng Stick Welding PIP.

Millermatic 180 Autoset Mig Welder
Miller Spoolmate 100 Spool Gun
Victor Firepower 350 Oxy Ace Outfit
3M Speedglas 9002X AD Helmet
Makita LC1230 Dry Cut Saw
Ingersoll Rand Air Tools
Snap On Tools
Metabo Power Tools
Norseman Drill Cutting Tools
Bosch Power Tools

Posted : 09/01/2012 9:44 pm
Posts: 4307
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Re: STICK WELDING on thin sheet metal

EHEHEHEHE, MAYBE THE PIPS WILL BE, but the WIPs will continue for this thread, for it to continue will depend on other members doing the practice which is really very important, really !!! I am hoping bro jon will follow also and probably follow these steps in the future if not soon.

I would like to move on naman sa stick welding on stainless steel, another thread also in waiting.

CIGWELD Weldskill 250 amp Mig Welder
AHP Alpha-TIG 200X welder
HITRONIC 300 Amp DC Inverter IGBT Welder
YAMATO 300 amp AC Stick Welder
YAMATO 200 amp DC Inverter IGBT Welder
DeWALT Chopsaw
HOBART and ESAB Welding Helmets
cloned STIHLs
MS 044 chainsaw
MS 070 chainsaw

Posted : 09/01/2012 10:29 pm
Posts: 1492
Noble Member

Re: STICK WELDING on thin sheet metal

I am hoping bro jon will follow also and probably follow these steps in the future if not soon.

all your thread about metal working ( especially this thread ) are greatly regarded.:cool01:
as the PIPS are very educative, informative, inspiring, well delivered.

don't you worry bro rosy,
as soon as i have my time to learn na in metal working...
i know na where to go to...:surfing:

baka it's time na for you to switch to something new...:chop::sampay:

Posted : 10/01/2012 10:34 pm
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